
Key Functions

The KTTO is composed of three (3) units, the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO), the Technology Transfer and Enterprise Unit (TTEU) and the Intellectual Property (IP) Legal.

The ITSO supports IP creation and takes charge of IP protection. ITSOs were established by IPOPHL in coordination with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and ITSO operations were franchised to universities and research institutions. The concept of the ITSO operations was to strengthen the capacity of local institutions to access patent information and use the patent system to support IP creation and IP protection.

The TTEU will be responsible for IP management and the commercialization of the IP assets.

The establishment of the KTTO strengthens the Institute's innovation ecosystem and out goal of becoming a research university. Its establishment could potentially increase research and technology generation in the Institute and advance technology transfer activities of 麻花星空视频-IIT IP assets.

KTTO Functional Chart
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