
Student Organizations

CBAA Executive Council (CBAA EC)

Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA)

Junior Philippine Economics Society (JPES)

Junior Entrepreneurial Marketing Society (JEMS)


A nationally recognized marketing student organization that provides internal and external marketing and entrepreneurial enhancement programs and activities to its members and the society.

Organization’s Profile

The Junior Entrepreneurial Marketing Society (JEMS) is a student-governed organization committed to unite all the Entrepreneurial Marketing students of the institute, providing them with opportunities of self-development especially in the field of marketing and entrepreneurship. It is through this society that the students learn to use their initiative in resource generation and inculcate responsible citizenship.

The organization has the following objectives:

  • To act as resource for students who wish to learn more about business by furnishing links to entrepreneurs, executives, and other professionals through a series of seminars, workshop, field trips and social events throughout the academic year.
  • To create an opportunity for interested members of the organization to share and enhance their understanding of the marketing profession.
  • To encourage the members to respect ideas and their free expression, and to pursue excellence in a spirit of productive cooperation as they assume responsibility for the consequence of personal actions.
  • To promote understanding and spirit of unity among the entrepreneurial marketing students of Mindanao State of University-Iligan Institute of Technology.
  • To take action in the promotion of the goals of the Institute particularly in the field of Entrepreneurial Marketing.
  • To solicit the resources of the members for the welfare of the organization, in particular and the community, in general.
  • To contribute ideas for better involvement in the affairs of the Institute and surrounding communities whenever possible.


The organization was formerly known as the Junior Marketing Society (JMS). It was formed by the students’ initiative to organize a student-governed organization that would promote students’ welfare and that would contribute to the further advancement of the quality of the marketing instruction provided by the Institute.

During the S.Y. 1999-2000, the BSBA, Major in Marketing program was changed into BSBA, Major in Entrepreneurial Marketing course. This change was made to better equip the students after graduation especially.

Consequently, the organization which was formerly known as the Junior Entrepreneurial Marketing Society (JMS) is now recognized by the Institute as the Junior Entrepreneurial Marketing Society (JEMS). Currently, there 300 active members from the first year level to fourth year level,  for the first semester of S.Y. 2008-2009.

JEMS activities usually include:

  • Organizing activities for the members’ self-advancement, sense of social responsibility and professionalism;
  • Conduct fund-raising campaigns for the organization;
  • Participation of its members in marketing related activities such as seminars’ workshops and symposiums; and,
  • Participation in national competition (strategic marketing competition, Agora awards, TOMAS, etc.),  sponsored by the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA).


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