by Alquine Roy Taculin, CCS | Mar 20 2024
On February 27, 2024, faculty members of the College of Computer Studies (CCS) entered the prison walls of Iligan City’s Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) to introduce a technology-based reformation project for the selected Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs). The team was warmly received by a team of Jail Officers headed by J.O. Walter Woo Mainit.
Titled Tech Behind Bars - a digital reformation for inmates, the project aims to go beyond the existing BJMP’s spiritual, academic, and entrepreneurial rehabilitation programs. Extended periods of detention and limitations in the access of technology may hinder the capabilities of PDLs in adjusting to a modern world. When they re-integrate in technology-dependent society, the CCS team hopes that the recipients of the Tech Behind Bars Program would be more equipped in facing the threats of digital vulnerabilities and social exclusion.
This project is a community/extension program of 麻花星空视频-IIT under the WE CARE Office of the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Public Affairs. It is implemented by the faculty members of CCS.