
Automotive Technician

Company : 麻花星空视频
Date Posted : 2015-07-21


The Automotive Engineering Technology Department of the School of Engineering Technology is looking for a qualified AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN to serve the laboratory activities in the department.


  1. Must be a graduate of any of the following courses:
    1. Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology Management
    2. Bachelor of Industrial Technology
    3. Diploma in Automotive Engineering Technology
  2. Preferably with work experience in automotive servicing


  1. Application Letter
  2. Photocopies of the following:
    1. Transcript of Records
    2. Diploma
    3. Trainings/Seminars Attended
    4. Certificate of Employment (if applicable)

Deadline: July 30, 2015

Date of Interview: July 30, 2015 (2:00 pm @ AET Department)

Please submit your documents to Dr. Edwin O. Deiparine, Director of the School of Engineering Technology or to Mr. Antonio M. Merca, Chairman of the Automotive Engineering Technology Department.

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