ࡱ> >@=[ :bjbj 4$ΐΐ:++++ 7,+0cccccZZZ$W"B*ZZZZZ*cc?...ZRcc.Z..rTc@C D+U0".""<ZZ.ZZZZZ**.ZZZZZZZ"ZZZZZZZZZ : CONTRACT OF SERVICE (For Lecturers) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This contract is made and entered into By and Between: MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY ILIGAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, {黨ǿƵ-IIT for brevity} a government agency with office address at A. Bonifacio Ave., Tibanga, Iligan City, herein represented by its Chancellor, DR. SUKARNO D. TANGGOL, hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PART. -and- ____________________________, of legal age, Filipino and with residence address_______________________________ ILIGAN CITY, hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY. -WITNESSETH- That the First Party is in need of the services of the Second Party who shall perform work not performed by the regular personnel of the First Party; That the Second Party: Signifies his/ her intention, to provide the service needed by the First Party; Possesses the education, experience and skills required to perform the job as described herein; That in view hereof, the Second Party is hereby contracted as a Assistant Lecturer for the First Semester AY 2012-2013, in consideration of an hourly rate of P 186.00- per Lecture /Hour; however in no case shall the contact hours exceed more than eighteen weeks per semester; That as Assistant Lecturer, the Second Party is expected to perform the following functions: Perform teaching instruction to students; Prepare instructional material and/ or related teaching aids necessary for effective and efficient teaching; Develop realistic and comprehensive syllabus for each course being assigned to him/ her; Provide academic consultation to students having miscellaneous academic difficulties and problems; Perform routine professors tasks, i.e. prepare lecture notes, keep students attendance records, give examinations, giving class assignments, checking examination papers, collecting and checking assignments; Prepare and submit students grades at every end of the semester. That the Second Party shall perform work at a time and schedule to be agreed upon by both parties. In case the Second Party shall conduct make up classes, there must be a prior approval by her/his immediate supervisor; That it is understood that this contract does not create an employer-employee relationship between the First Party and the Second Party, that the services rendered hereunder shall not be considered and accredited as government service; and the latter is not entitled to the benefits enjoyed by the regular personnel of the First Party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties have hereunto set their hand this _________________ at ILIGAN CITY. By: By: MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY SECOND PARTY ILIGAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (FIRST PARTY) SUKARNO D. TANGGOL, DPA __________________________ Chancellor Lecturer Signed in the presence of: EDGAR W. IGNACIO, Ph. D. __________________________ Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs College Dean ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) City of Iligan) S.S. BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the ____________________________, on___________2012, personally came and appeared the following names with their respective Passport/Employee ID Nos., to wit: NAME Passport/ID No. Place and Date of Issue Sukarno D. Tanggol XX 1481417 DFA Mla. /26 June 2008 __________________ _______________ ________________________________ Known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and voluntary deed. This instrument refers to a Contract of Service consisting of two (2) pages including this acknowledgement, and signed by both parties and their witnesses. Witness my hand and seal on the date and place first above written. Doc No. _____ Page No. _____ Book No. _____ Series of 2012. 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